Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Blog!

Hey guys! this is Icy here, and this is my new blog! ok so i was really bored so i decided to make a new blog, i dont know how many of you all even like anime, but i am like obsessed with it! :D soo, yeah , im just goin to put a few pages devoted to certain animes so yah :D enjoy!


  1. Yo, Icy!! It's me, Spotsy the Epic. XD So, I really dunno much about anime, so, I came to learn. :)

  2. oh ok awesome :D have u ever watched one? like at all?

  3. Coming to my BIG-ol,
    John Belushi, party hardy
    in illustrious Seventh-Heaven?
    Eternal pleasure-beyond-measure??

    ...yet, gotta quit materializzm
    N whorizontal vanity: God's Rules
    are hardly crippling; SIN is crippling.

    Yes, earthling, Im a NDE -
    so I know now s'up, literally.
    God bless your indelible soul.
